Blackberry Mousse
90g heavy cream
90g blackberry puree
4g gelatin leaves, soften in cold water (I used powdered gelatin)
30g italian meringue (see recipe below)
18g eau-de-vie de framboise
wild strawberries (I didn't use it)
- Whip the heavy cream to a soft peak and set aside
- Heat the blackberry puree and bring it to a simmer, take it off the heat
- Add the gelatin leaves or melted powdered gelatin, mix well
- Let the black berry mixture cool on an ice bath, stirring once in a while
- Once cooled, add the liqueur
- Fold in the italian meringue
- Lastly, fold in the whipped cream
- Pour into plastic-lined 7" square cake ring or baking pan and put it in the freezer
- Once frozen, cut out circles smaller than the cake ring you are using to assemble the cake
Italian Meringue
120g sugar
30g water
60g egg whites
- Mix together the sugar and the water in a saucepan and bring it to 118-120C
- When the temperature is close, start whipping the egg whites
- Once the sugar syrup is ready, pour the syrup into the egg white with the mixer still running
- Whip until stiff and shiny
Pistachio Mousse
450g heavy cream
45g pistachio paste
450g milk
1/10 vanilla bean
100g egg yolks
100g sugar
10g gelatin leaves
- Whip the heavy cream until soft peak and set aside
- Combine milk, pistachio paste, and vanilla bean seeds in a saucepan, bring to a simmer
- Meanwhile, whisk the egg yolks and the sugar until pale
- Once the milk mixture is ready, temper the yolk with the milk and return it back to the saucepan
- Stirring constantly, bring the mixture to 84C under low heat
- Add the gelatin and mix well
- Strain the mixture and let cool on an ice bath
- Fold in the whipped cream
Soaking syrup
40g 30°B sugar syrup -- see this recipe
20g water
25g Kirsch
- Mix all ingredients
- Assemble the cake upside down.
- Brush the pistachio joconde with the soaking syrup
- Place an acetate sheet in the bottom of a sheet pan and place the cake rings on top
- Pipe some pistachio mousse
- Place the blackberry mousse in the center
- Pipe more mousse almost to the top of the ring
- Place the pistachio joconde at the top, pushing it down slightly so that it is the same level with the mousse.
- Freeze overnight and unmold (the bottom is now the top part)
- Glaze with neutral glaze and decorate with blackberry and pistachio pieces